كتب @ahmedeldeep:
The Difference between Hydraulics and Pneumatics
الفرق بين الهيدروليك والنيوماتيك (الانظمه الهوائيه)Hydraulic system 1) Works with incompressible fluid. Ex: Water, oil 2) Maximum pressure (70 - 700 bars). 3) Very big force. 4) High pressure. 5) Response slow compared to pneumatic. 6) Heart of hydraulic system: Pump. 7) Pump produces flow not pressure. 8) Weight and cost is high. 9) Applications: Sheet metal working, earth moving equipments, loader. 10) Disadvantage: Leakage, pollution, maintenance, clean less, tight tolerance.
Pneumatic system 1) Works with compressible fluid. Ex: air, gases 2) Maximum pressure (8-15 Bar). 3) Weak force compared to hydraulics 4) Low pressure. 5) Fast response. 6) Heart of pneumatic system: compressor. 7) Compressor occupies air in tank of limited volume. 8) Weight and cost is low. 9) Applications: low force applications like production lines, control applications. 10) Disadvantage: Low forces, compressible of fluid.
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