كتب @ahmedeldeep:
يحتوي الدرس على شرح للنقاط الأتية
- Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
- ARM Unified Assembler Language (UAL)
- Assembly Instruction
- APSR update
- Conditional execution
- Flexible second operand (Operand2)
- Instruction width selection
- Assembly definitions
- Assembly memory Constants
- Assembly Commonly Used Directives (GNU)
- Moving data instructions
- Move and Move NOT
- Move Top
- Move from Special Register to general register
- Move from general register to Special Register
- Memory access instructions:
- Generate PC-relative address
- LDR and STR, immediate offset
- LDR and STR, pre-indexed
- LDR and STR, post-indexed
- LDR and STR, register offset
- LDR and STR, unprivileged
- LDR, PC-relative
- LDM and STM, Load and Store Multiple registers
- PUSH and POP
- LDREX and STREX, Load and Store Register Exclusive
- CLREX, Clear Exclusive
المنشورات: 1
المشاركون: 1